Terms and Conditions of buying Silkfencing weaponry.

December 1, 2015

1. Orders can be made through electronic means via mail contact@silkfencingteam.pl and etsy.com webpage.
2. Time to make the ordered equipment is between 4 to 6 weeks with exception of individual weapon projects
3. For every equipment bought from Silkfencing there is a 6 months warranty.
4. Condition of warranty realization is having a proof of purchase
5. Warranty repairs of soft weaponry are conditioned by damage caused by natural use of the aforementioned equipment. They shall not be performed while they are caused by intentional destruction of the equipment: a. Hitting hard or sharp edges causing the material veil to rip/ or the foam inside. It is as well about wooden shields edges with insufficient padding. b. Breaking the root through notorious exaggerated bending c. Crushing the foam by leaving the weapon under pressure for longer periods of time d. Exposing to high temperatures
6. Normal use of the soft weapons is: a. Hitting other soft weapons and/or soft shields b. Hitting human body c. Fencing masks
7. Returns and warranty repairs of the hard synthetic weaponry are conditioned by damage caused by natural use of the aforementioned equipment. They shall not be performed while they are caused by intentional destruction of the equipment: a. Hitting very thin hard or sharp edges b. Breaking the weapon through notorious exaggerated bending c. Exposing to high temperatures d. Bending the weapon by leaving under constant pressure for longer amounts of time.
8. Normal use of the hard synthetic weaponry is: a. Other such synthetic weapon or polymeric/wooden shield b. Synthetic body protection made specifically for HEMA purposes c. Hitting human body d. Targets made out of softer materials like wood.
9. The cost of the transport of the weapon sent to repair is covered by buyer, afterwards the new/repaired weapon transport is covered by producer
10. Buying our weapons is an acceptance of the above terms and conditions.
11. Conditions apply starting from 01.01.2014


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