Silkfencing Team

Transcription and translation of a part of the book on Turkish culture from 1799

July 15, 2023

William Eton, a British consul wrote this book presenting a variety of information regarding the culture and society of Turkish Empire of the 18th century. It contains many subject that would help to understand Turkish society and culture but as well to make commerce or wage war with them. PArt of the book containig the most important part for us, HEMA practitioners on the use of Turkish sabres is Transcripted and Translated (to Polish) in the link below:

A throughout update of the Polish hussar szabla article.

January 28, 2023

This paper is a second step in the long term research on Polish fencing made by the Silkfencing Team. It will deal with similar aspects as the previous paper with a major update of sources and data. This article will be treating about very similar subject of sabres used by the most iconic Polish unit - the Winged Hussars.

Translation of an excerpt from Werner 1824 sabre vs pallasch manual.

March 6, 2022

Beneath is presented an excerpt from the Johan Adolf Ludwig Werner manual titled Versuch einer theoretishen anweisung zur Fechtkunst im Hiebe, published in 1824 in Leipzig. It treats about the differences between a cavalry weapon and a typical haurappier, a type of broadsword or spadroon used for Academical Fencing in 18th and 19th century.

This is first of a series of translations presenting different understanding of differences in fencing with cavalry and duelling oriented weaponry.

Series will be concluded with an article summarizing the main differences. 

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