Beneath we present a list of Silkfencing Syntehtic Products, that we both produce and use during our training, seminars and tournaments organised by us.

All those are training weapons made of hard polymers. It can be used both for blossfechten and fullcontact armoured training. Imitation of steel weapons of elasticity allowing for thrusts and/or fighting against steel weaponry.

Our products can be bought on SILKFENCING BLADES & SYNTHETICS

Polish hussar sabres


Polish hussar sabre


Premium line sabres are the higher quality weapons we produce. They are intended both for tournament combat and represent the a level of reenactment, allowed by safety regulations of the HEMA tournaments. They are made from 50HF type of steel with 49 HRC level of hardness. Intended for heavy blade on blade work.



Polish hussar sabre is one of the most iconic sabre designs of the Polish origin. The common term hussar sabre represent a characteristic D guard with knucklebow aligned around 100O to the crossguard and a thumbring accompanying it.

This type of sabre appeared in the late 17th century. They were typical broad bladed cavalry weapon intended for self-defense and mounted combat. Their characteristic features were heavy hilt with broadened pommel and thumbring giving a strong support of the users grip.

Later in 18th century the sabre design develops into a more protected, lighter blade version. Its hilt often accompanied by siderings and additional knucklebows. Due to its overall features it is little bit closer to their western counterparts.

In the late 18th century, appears the last hussar sabre — its descendant — Polish National Cavalry or simply - „kościuszkówka”, named after Polish-American hero. It is a characteristic connection of the western and Polish national features.



Early hussar sabre or 'Husarka'

The most classical form of the hussar sabre. Its massive guard causes the entire hilt to weight over 350 g. Its blade is wide (circa 35 mm at the base), but weights less than 500g. Due to that sabre lies handsomely in the grip. Classical anatomy of the Polish hussar grip along with its thumbring make the weapon be very swift and powerful. Perfect choice for people who like to conduct strong but precise strikes with their weapons.

Notice: Sharp sabre has much shorter grip than the blunt one. It is important to find the most appropriate grip length for the classical Polish grip, since it will give much better support and more effective and less tiring use of the sabre.


Suggested curvature: 40 to 60 mm

Blade length: 80 to 82 cm

Mass: 800 to 850 g

Late hussar sabre or 'Late husarka'


Younger brother of the early hussar sabre. Both blade and hilt are much lighter than the latter weapon, therefore it often comes equipped with additional protection elements like siderings or knucklebows. Sabre is much more suitable for complex fencing actions, since the blade is much lighter than its earlier cousin, it is a little more straight as well. Grip has a slightly different anatomy, giving an easier use of long grips, such as thumbgrips, enhancing point control. Itis a good choice for people preferring lighter weapons but still retaining powerful cutting capacity.

Notice: In this type of sabre additional protection of the hand may be installed. If that option is picked we install two siderings on both sides by default, if needed these may be swapped for many other types of protections, be it knucklebows or a shield.


Suggested curvature: 40 to 50 mm

Blade length: 80 to 84 cm

Mass: 750 to 800 g

Kościuszko sabre


Last model of the Polish sabres created in commonwealth. Very characteristic construction, where shields or siderings are attached to specific square knucklebow that bends with a straight angle on the crossguard and pommel. A light blade is a specific choice made to fit the modern HEMA tournament scene, so that the sabre will fit within the regulations. Handle is a specific connection of the classical Polish model and a Hungarian origin elliptical shape grip used in contemporary German states. This sabre is a great choice for those who like heavy weapons with good point control and developed hand protection.

Notice: There are two types of grips that are available. Long, measuring 14 cm, is great for long grips, like thumbgrip or handshake grip. Short, with 12 cm of length, is suitable for a solid hammer grip. By default, unless stated otherwise, we are installing the long type of grip.

Notice 2: It was common to use two siderings instead of a shield. If stated otherwise we are installing a shield as base protection.


Suggested curvature: 40 mm

Blade length: 80 to 84 cm

Mass: 850 to 900 g


Each sabre is made on commission on individual demand by hand. It takes time to make them and each sabre is different. Time of production may vary according to how long the current queue is. Also special on-demand elements that r equire more precise work may delay production even further. Scabbards are made by a subcontractor, therefore scabbard making has a separate production time.



More photos of our sabres on FB

or Instagram:


Polish - hungarian sabre


Premium line sabres are the higher quality weapons we produce. They are intended both for tournament combat and represent the a level of reenactment, allowed by safety regulations of the HEMA tournaments. They are made from 50HF type of steel with 49 HRC level of hardness. Intended for heavy blade on blade work.



Typical Hungarian style sabre for personal defense. Composed of characteristic form of

handles made in two forms, allowing a range of grips and substantial blade with broad feather or hammer. First form of the handle – a long forward bent structure, supporting the point control in long grips. Second – shorter with specific oval broadening allows for great support of the inside of the hand grip and enhance of the weapon agility. Light hilt equipped with a blade with changeable curvature and appropriate balance, causes the weapon to be very good both in fast exchange of blows and a precise work on extended arm.

Notice: Sabre has two types of own handles and two Polish. Please pick the most appropriate. Long and pronated is labeled as 'Hungarian bent', shorter and broader one is 'straight Hungarian'. Two others are explained below.


Suggested curvature: 50 to 70 mm

Blade length: 75 to 80 cm

Mass: 700 to 800 g


A later Polish version of the Hungarian style sabre, which was very popular in 18th century. These sabres often had markings commemorating Polish king John III, therefore we decided to label this model as 'Janówka' – meaning 'John sabre. This type of sabre has developed in the late 17th century along with many other Polish style knucklebow sabres.It has been an adoption of the preferred Polish design with the Hungarian style sabre structure. These sabres had blades with circular curvature with a less significantly broadened feather or with a simple style feather. What is more they had a more typical for Polish straight handle style. The classical Polish handles with broadened pommel gave a great support for the base of the hand, and along with thumbring, the handling is more stable and burdens the arm much less, therefore this sabre, even though the hilt is much more massive is perfect for carrying a fury of blows.

Notice: This sabre has two styles of handle on its own and two Hungarian. Please pick the appropriate. 'Classical Polish' is a handle with broadened pommel, which should be well fitting the users handle. 'Bent Polish' is a longer straight handle with a slightly bent pommel, alowing to extend the grip during the cut.

Notice 2: This type of sabre blade is available in the form with a feather or a broadened feather. Please pick the appropriate one in a comment while making an order. By default we make this sabre with a simple feather and a broadened forte.

Notice 3: This sabre may be equiped with siderings, which are especially good for upper protection of an open thumbring. Please point out this option, if needed, in comments during the order.


Suggested curvature: 40 to 60 mm

Blade length: 80 to 84 cm

Mass: 750 to 850 g


Each sabre is made on commission on individual demand by hand. It takes time to make them and each sabre is different. Time of production may vary according to how long the current queue is. Also special on-demand elements that require more precise work may delay production even further. Scabbards are made by a subcontractor, therefore scabbard making has a separate production time.


Straight knucklebow sabre


Straight knucklebow sabre



Premium line sabres are the higher quality weapons we produce. They are intended both for tournament combat and represent the a level of reenactment, allowed by safety regulations of the HEMA tournaments. They are made from 50HF type of steel with 49 HRC level of hardness. Intended for heavy blade on blade work.


Sabre with straight knucklebow is one of the most important sabre types created in 17th century Poland. It represents first native sabre construction. It most characteristic features is its straight knucklebow. Earliest examples can be dated to first half of the 17th century. Although the knucklebow with an asymmetric handle was nothing new back then, as many earlier examples can be seen with curved messers and some Hungarian broadswords. These are also used with sabres. Yet the Polish construction was different, a straight Polish knucklebow is often called an 'L-guard'.


In our production we offer two major types:

Early L-guard

Sabre in the first half of 17th century, which develops in Poland has several characteristic features. First of all, being an evolution of the Hungarian style sabre, with its broad foible, offten in the form of a so-called hammer, but as well it also features a broadened forte. In the manner of 17th century it features a forward inclined hungarian style handle, but in the mid of the century it transforms into the Polish straight classical handle. Knucklebow itself is a curiosity on its own, as even though it is simple it features a broadening at its end and is made from a narrow piece of metal, due to that the hilt is quite light.

It creates a sabre with a very handsome silhouette, which gives a strong 'kick'. Its construction on the other hand allows a nice stable movement. Ideal choice for fencers, who like to throw several moulinets, but remain covered whenever needed.

Notice 1: Sabre can be equipped with one of two types of a handle. Straight Polish, is straight handle, with a characteristic foot like pommel. It is good for hammer and some longer grips. Hungarian bent, is a handle that is bent forward in the direction of the blade, it allows a strong acceleration of the cut, but with limited stopping capacity.

Notice 2 : Sabre at its default will be equipped with broadened forte and foible. It is possible to order a blade without the broadened forte. Please note that during the order.


Suggested curvature: 50 to 70 mm

Blade length: 80 to 82 cm

Mass: 750 to 850 g

Late L-guard


By the end of the 17th century a much more characteristic Polish form appears. A straight knucklebow becomes much more massive and its handle is equipped with a particular Polish broad pommel. Not only the hilt changes, but as well the blade itself, as it looses the broad foible, typical for Polish-Hungarian style sabres. What is more, less curve is preferred and many of the blades are very broad, becoming a powerful weapon even without the widening at the tip.

Much better support for the grip, especially once accompanied by the thumbring, along with a broad blade makes this weapon a choice, for fencers who like precise strikes with a swift recovery.


Notice 1: This sbare has two types of handles. Straight Polish, is the same as in the previous design, with a small foot. It is good for both hammer and long grips. Classical Polish, is different with the broad pommel, giving more suport for the grip.

Notice 2: Classical Polish handle should be well fitting to the grip, so that we should make sure what glove we are willing to use with it as its handle structure will guve much better support from a well fitting grip.


Suggested curvature: 40 to 60 mm

Blade length: 80 to 82 cm

Mass: 800 to 900 g



Each sabre is made on commission on individual demand by hand. It takes time to make them and each sabre is different. Time of production may vary according to how long the current queue is. Also special on-demand elements that require more precise work may delay production even further. Scabbards are made by a subcontractor, therefore scabbard making has a separate production time.



More photos of our sabres on FB

or Instagram:

Standard line Steel Sabre


New, higher generation of our standard line sabre. Current model was made closer to the designs of the early 19th century sabres, having one broad fuller at the blade and widened edge. It has a much better feeling and mass distribution. Due to its sparring character blade tper and crosssection was designed to cope with the bend for safe thrusts.

Entirety of the blade was made from 50HF steel. Hilt is made from mixed upgraded low carbon and high carbon steel. Handle can be ordered in three colour, it is made from leather, cord and elastic core. Leather colour may be slightly different than on the photo.

Our sabres have modular structure, you can have multiple handles or blades for one sabre and exchange them easily on spot with just an allen key. 

here is a video presenting the modular design:

Elastic core of the handle works like a spring nut locking the blade, but as well is fitted with special sleeve nuts, which can be easilly replaced as it is available on the market if necesary or simply worn. It is possible to rder longer sleeve nuts to allow mounting longer handle for heavire and bigger types of gloves.
In such a case you need to pick which elongator should be added to the package. Such elongator is acommpanied with appropriate type of longer nut.

The curve of the blade may different according to Your liking, please put that in additional notes while ordering, if you want an not typical one. This may delay the making of order.
On demand we may make the handle longer or take away the knucklebow. To apply for such changes please put this request in your order while making it. 
It is possible to take different handle shape, it will be made from ruber core with cord wrapping. Not all types of handles can be exchangeable with eachother.

You can pick a custom hilt, we can make many types, we are open to ideas!
Pick Custom  to make a hilt that is taken from the Premium line, we are also happy with different ideas.
Pick Custom complex guard  to make a comples hilt with different knucklebows, siderings, shields, bars and everything you would feel that will develop protection of your hand.

Sadly we have to cancel scabbard orders, we are currently in search for the new subcontractor, we will resume scabbard making once we resolve that issue.

Mass - 750 - 900 grams
Overall length 94 cm
Blade length 82 cm
PoB 14 to 18 cm

Western Duelling sabre


f Western-style dueling sabers features a narrow yet durable blade, making it ideal for training across a range of Western European saber and cut-and-thrust fencing systems. Both the blade and handle are based on original designs used in the second half of the 19th century in Poland, under Austrian rule, particularly in fencing schools in Kraków, Chyrów, and Lwów. The ergonomic design of the handle provides an easy, light grip and enhances blade control during fencing.

We offer two types of saber hilts for these blades:

  1. The first hilt is designed according to the suggestions of Michał Starzewski in his 1840 manual "O szermierstwie". It is simple in construction and follows the guidance of Starzewski.

  2. The second hilt is a British-style design from the late 19th century. This round guard provides substantial hand protection under a wide, hardened dome.

The handles come in three colors and are currently made from leather with a special flexible resin core. The leather color may vary slightly from the images. The flexible core allows for easy blade replacement, and the saber is fastened with a crown nut, which is widely available should it need replacement. Additionally, we offer extension nuts with longer sleeves for those who prefer a longer handle for use with heavier gloves. If you require these handle extensions, please specify which set to include in your order. Each extension comes equipped with a matching nut and longer sleeve.

We offer three handle types:

  • British: Slightly tilted, similar to handles from British heavy sabers, with a small finger grip and a pronounced bottom for better point control during cuts.
  • Austrian: Narrow and versatile, allowing for grips supported by the index finger, with a slight tilt for a strong grip under the thumb's ball.
  • Kościuszko: A wide, strong handle inspired by heavy sabers, perfect for a hammer grip, with a special profile that supports wrist-based maneuvers.

The saber is fully modular, allowing multiple handles or blades to be easily swapped using a single nut. You can also extend or shorten the handle with special attachments.

For a demonstration of the modular construction of our sabers, watch this Instagram video.

Sadly we have to cancel scabbard orders, we are currently in search for the new subcontractor, we will resume scabbard making once we resolve that issue.

Mass - 720 to 800  g
Blade length - 85 cm
Handle length - 13 cm
PoB - 13 cm
Bend weight - 11 kg

Synthetic Saber


Our line of synthetic sabers, being an imitation of Polish style sabers, popular between 17th and 18th century in Poland. The weapon is fully functional, sparring and battle ready. Special design allows safe thrusting, along with a well placed point of percussion and mass it makes the weapon safe, while remaining a good training tool for practice. It does not break and can work under any weather condition. 

The saber is available with four types of hilts:

  • Hungarian style open hilt. Equipped with simple crossguard, longer than any other.
  • Polish style semi-closed hilt. Equipped with L shaped knucklebow.
  • Polish style Hussar hilt. Equipped with a special type of Polish stirrup knucklebow.
  • Kościuszko type with half basket hilt and closed knucklebow

Every saber can be equipped with a new Silkfencing design thumbring suitable for many types of protection gloves!
Each colour of the handle can be changed!

Handles can be chosen from among four types:

  • Polish handle is a typical Polish handle. Universal for this type of sabre. 
  • Late handle is a slightly bent later type of Polish handles, connecting both the western and Polish style of fencing. Allows for solid and strong grip.
  • Hungarian is significantly bent handle, typical for Hungarian sabres best for a solid long and static grip.
  • Kosciuszko is a western style handle, with a characteristic bulge in the middle of the grip. 
  • Hungarian Straight  is a very particular Hungarian style handle with straight but bulgy profile and slightly bent pommel. It allows for a mix of grip techniques


  • Made of an unbreakable poliamide
  • All metal parts are galvanized, so they are impervious to corrosion.
  • Handle made from a special rubber, encouraging comfort and safety of the grip.
  • 96 cm overall length, 11 cm handle, 13 - 17 cm crossguard, 84 cm blade, 
  • 650 gram mass,
  • Point of Balance: 13 to 17 cm
  • Hilt is hand made, covered in rubber
  • Polish product, made by Silkfencing


Steel Federschwert training sword



Steel sword for full contact fighting. Designed to fulfill Polish FEDER federation ruleset.

Sword has been designed to be safely bend while thrusting with button tip, that doe snot allow perforation. 

Handle wrap in different colours fitted coated with natural glue, grip is made entirely from a special synthetic. It is not slippery since a special wrapping allows to hold the handle firmly

NOTE: There are two versions of pommels and two types of blades. Disc shaped pommel is lighter and makes the handle shorter. On demand we are able to customize the length. 
Blades are of two types: light and heavy. Light version has a little bit different form, but its major diference is in the shape of the shilt (ricasso part) and the width of the of the blade itself as it is around 150g lighter. The heavy version is desgined to pack more punch and hold the line while the light one is for quick tempo cuts and evasions

NOTE 2: We normaly make a simple crossguard. If it is needed we are able to fit the sword with rotated or tapered crossguard.

Overall mass of the heavy version: 1,4 - 1,45 kg
Overall mass of the light version: 1,25 - 1,3 kg

Overall length:  127  -130 cm

Blade length 97 cm

Handle length with pommel: 28 - 31 cm

Point of balance: 10,5 cm from crossguard

Crossgaurd length: 28 cm


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