Archiwum aktualności

Article about Starzewski treatise "On Fencing"

March 24, 2021

Jerzy Miklaszewski article on Starzewski treatise. Analysis of the system in regards to other fencing works of his era.

Link to Academia below

High period of orders, workshops and tournaments

October 19, 2019

Dear Customers

Currently the November is very busy for us, as we have several workshops, tournaments and some bulk orders. Therefore all the orders starting from today till end November are labelled "High Period" which means they will be finished with some delays - around 45 days  since accepting the order.

Naturally all the orders accepted till yesterday wll be finished on time.

Thank You for Your patience and Your wonderful orders!

Workshops with Jerzy Miklaszewski during Swordfish 2019

October 5, 2019

We have an excellent news! An instructor from Silkfencing Team, Jerzy Miklaszewski, will be teaching at World HEMA Championships - Swordfish 2019!

He will be conducting two workshops, one on French sabre system, the other on Polish!

First will be focused about an important feature of the Espadon system. Each cut has its own distinct feature, many of these being favorite actions of different nations of that time!  

Secondly, he will be teaching a very important difference between the Polish sabre system and western European styles. Stresso tempo against Dui Tempo!

See You there!

Shopping platform has been opened!

April 12, 2019

Our shop is open now and we have a great news for You! We have incorporated a completely new method of payment! Borderless accounts charge no fees and have the best exchange rate we have seen so far!

You can pay locally from around 54 countries in the world as the account behaves like a local account to many places in the world! It is much easier and waaay cheaper to its alternatives like Paypal.

We laso have a speical quic payment system calle Dotpay, which allows transfers with your credit card and so called quick payments in four currencies!

Beneath you have more information about the Transferwise system

Under this link you have information about other methods of payment available in our Shop:

Change of Shop Platform

February 10, 2019

Dear Clients! 
In two days we shall commence change of the shop platform, which is used by our online store. Therefore for several days our shop will not be available. This will not influence any of your present orders, but will disallow new orders to placed.

We will send You a message with new adress of the online store.

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