
Translation of Roux chapter on differences between straight and curved weapons

March 6, 2022

Below is the translation of an excerpt from the Wilhelm Roux's, Anweisung Zum Hiebfechten mit graden und krummen Klingen, printed in 1840 in Jena. It descries the differences between the curved sabre and a typical straight bladed pallasch use. 

This is part of a bigger series comparing the curved bladed weaponry system in central Europe according to historical sources

Article on the oldest Polish sabre manual written in Polish

January 24, 2022

Beneath is the link to the article on Starzewski treatise on Fencing written in 1840. It is the first sabre manual writte in Polish. Though it was printed in 1930 by his grandson, it is often regarded as fake. 

Due to that, I have written an article that compares this system to other manuals of the period, to compare and contrast whether it is a 20th cenutyr fake or an actual manual of the period.


Four crosscutting techniques from a 1620 treatise

April 24, 2019

Und ist hier woll zu mercken / daß man eben selbige lectiones auch machen könne gegen einen / der sich der Creutz-Hiebe gebrauchet /

welches fechten zwar von etlichen hoch gehalten wird / aber gantz nicht auß der Kunst / sondern vielmehr ein natürlich oder Polnisch fechten zu nennen.


Trans: (By Reinier Van Noort)

And here must be noted well that one can also make these same lessons against someone who uses the Cross-cuts, which fight is indeed held high by some, but is not at all from the art, but can much more be named a natural or POLISH fight.

This citation from Hennnings 1658 cut-fencing treatise is very important,as it underlines mot only the fact that at some point the Cross-cutting was recognized as Polish fencing, but as well it presents that it has been recognized and used wider.

Earlier it was a popular style of fencing which phenomenon is broader explained in the ehibition catalogue „To Arms!” which we invite You to read!


In early decades of 17th century there has been many treatises about cut fencing utilizing the cross-cutting mechanics. Currently we have more than 60 such techniques transcribed and slowly being translated. We are going to publish them in following weeks. Beneath the first ones from the Hans Schefferi of Marburg dating 1620.

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